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Holotrac is a fully immersive beyond the state-of-art Virtual Reality large scale modular system that provides faithful representation of a variety of situations addressing the needs of civilian (higher education, scientific research, industry, maritime) and non-civilian (law enforcement, military, security and close protection) sectors.

No boundaries

Holotrac is the finest virtual reality (VR) immersive tool available for accessing any virtual environment. The platform gives user the illusion that is surrounded by a fictional world, offering a fully interactive representation. It adds a completely new dimension to training and scientific research as well as entertainment.

In contrary to devices such as Head Mounted Displays (HMDs) that suffer from limited field of view and user isolation, Holotrac is built multi user by design: it allows 5-6 people in the same time to collaborate, and it also provides a 90°, 180° or 300° field of view (depending on version), which makes them to be physically into the virtual environment without need of specialized equipment.

The system consists of a one, three or five-wall room with simultaneous full-HD projection in every wall, totalling to a whooping 8000 x 1200 resolution ―and that’s a 9.6 Mpixels real time graphics― in contrary to competitor systems that ran on “standard” video resolutions spread over numerous square meters of screen real estate.

1, 3 or 5 screen configurations

Not all requirements are the same, and not all problems require the same approach. That’s why we build Holotrac with 1 to 5 projected screens offering 90° to 300° field of view to the user with many possible geometries like straight, cube or hexagon depending on the application.

Modular design

When “bells and whistles” just add to the cost and not to the outcome, Holotrac offers a highly customizable solution. Using a “building blocks” concept, it integrates just the right technology to every single installation and it keeps client’s cost low by omitting the unneeded parts.

Easy installation

Holotrac is built with installation ease in mind. It’s shipped stacked and can be fully assembled and calibrated in just one working day, making it the first portable  full-scale VR environment. It can also be easily stored when not in use with minimal footprint.

Seamless imaging

Even on five walls, we deliver just one image: continuous and crisp, with color accuracy and consistency, because of our tedious calibration procedures and image blending software we use ―and also deliver to our customers with every system in order to perform exactly like day one.

Upgradable projection

Projection options are unlimited and instead of our standard projector series, we can install a variety of projectors that cover client’s specific needs. Our engineering department calculates all the needed parameters and designs a tailor-made solution to fulfill any request.

Build quality

Every material is carefully selected and every detail is calculated and documented. Holotrac’s frame is built from aluminium truss, highly durable but also lightweight, and it’s delivered with structural analysis certificate to ensure client’s peace of mind. Furthermore, its scenes are made from one of Europe’s most prestigious cinema screen manufacturers, bearing top image quality, and are micro perforated for audio transparency.

Non-civilian applications

Six versions to choose

Civilian applications

The Holotrac platform is the common ground of six independent editions that cover a series of specialized applications. 

Sports Shooting Edition
(coming soon)

Industry Edition
(coming soon)

Six versions to choose

The Holotrac platform is the common ground of six independent editions that cover a series of specialized applications. 

Non - Civlillian applications

Law Enforcement Edition
(available now)

Security Edition
(available now)

Civilian applications

Sports Shooting Edition
(coming soon)

Industry Edition
(coming soon)

We are transforming the way that people learn and train.